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The St. Martin's Singers is a group of enthusiastic people who love to sing. It's not a choir and we sing in unison.
Our repetoire ranges from Amazing Grace to 500 miles with a bit of the Jungle Book thrown in for good measure. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of most months all are welcome and there's no costs involved.

St Martin's Parish Church, 4 Magdalene Drive, Edinburgh EH15 3DB

Serving the community of Magdalene, Bingham, Duddingston, The Jewel and surrounding areas.   A congregation of the Church of Scotland: Scottish Charity Number: SCO13918

Website built by The Pend Studio with additions by Bill Wishart 

Photography by The Pend Studio / Agnes Ferguson / Linda Reid / Tony Taylor / Bill Wishart / Church of Scotland.  All rights reserved.

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